Gold | Gold / Silver / Minerals (Sellers) | 


Gold / Silver / Minerals (Sellers) Published date: October 7, 2019

Dear Sir/Madame

I AM in need of a genuine Seller who is ready to transact at gold coast without any stupid excuses like collusion and falsifying of results any silly reasons. Cost of assaying at gold coast is borne by buyer and not seller. My buyer is willing to start with a modest quantity of 20kg assay and pay. Buyer is also looking for a discount of between 10 and 12%with the view to signing long term and upping the quantities. Buyer is also willing to show you POF as long as you the seller can also show POP. Please we are not interested in PMMC, ITALTEC, AA, OR Geological refineries, GOLD COAST ONLY. If you have what it takes, send me a whats up message on 233205375033. Waiting to hear from you soon,

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